Emily Boese

Medical Herbalist

Bachelor's degree in Natural Merdicine

Emily Boese is a Medical Herbalist with a Bachelor's degree in Natural Medicine from South Pacific College of Natural Medicine. She has been working in natural health since 2007, and with artemis since 2014.

She has a determined passion for demystifying the world of traditional plant medicine and showing people how easy it can be to support themselves with simple plant re11medies.

As an expert with a decade of clinical experience, her practice currently focuses on supporting those with gut health and autoimmune issues. She also loves running plant walks, workshops and online classes all about medicinal plants.

At artemis, Emily's focus is on education, writing about plant medicine, and maintaining current research on the over 50 medicinal plants that are used in the artemis products.

Elizabeth Bedford

Technical Advisor - Herbal Science

BNAtMed, Registered Medical Herbalist, Naturopath

Fascinated by herbs from an early age, Elizabeth eventually formalised this interest,  graduating with distinction from South Pacific College of Natural Medicine.

She then went on to work in New Product Development for a herbal manufacturing company, focussing on research and regulatory affairs.

She subsequently moved into tertiary education, teaching and mentoring new graduates.

Passionate about herbal quality and Kaitiakitanga, she is now developing a herb farm which currently supports her clinical practice, as well as a teaching apothecary garden.

Seeing the power of herbs at work daily, she is committed to increasing accessibility and awareness of herbal medicine.

Her focus at artemis is on product development, quality and safety, where she has been providing technical expertise and clinical experience since 2023.

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